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首頁企業(yè)博客 關(guān)于RubyQuartz Technology,LLC的環(huán)境標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和質(zhì)量追求

關(guān)于RubyQuartz Technology,LLC的環(huán)境標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和質(zhì)量追求

來源:http://eitherspanlaw.com 作者:yijin 2023年10月19

作為頻率控制產(chǎn)品的供應(yīng)商,RubyQuartz Technology,LLC在我們生產(chǎn)的產(chǎn)品中使用了某些礦物質(zhì)。盡管Raltron Crystal要求我們的所有供應(yīng)商遵守電子行業(yè)行為準(zhǔn)則,并且僅從對環(huán)境和社會負(fù)責(zé)的供應(yīng)商處采購材料,但我們認(rèn)識到某些礦物涉及復(fù)雜的供應(yīng)鏈,并已采取措施確保我們購買的原生金屬不產(chǎn)自沖突礦山。“沖突采礦”或“沖突金屬”或“沖突礦產(chǎn)”指的是對非洲剛果民主共和國東部地區(qū)一些礦山的非法控制。電子工業(yè)使用某些類型的金屬,其中一些可能是從這些礦山獲得的礦物中提煉出來的。


RubyQuartz Technology,LLC使用的金屬是錫和金。錫用于某些銅合金端子、某些鍍層和焊料,而金用于某些端子和金電極的鍍層。鎢也用于制造SMD元件中使用的陶瓷封裝。RubyQuartz Technology,LLC不直接購買所列的任何其他礦物和金屬(鈷、鈮和鉭),因此我們將重點(diǎn)放在錫和金供應(yīng)商上。

RubyQuartz Technology,LLC要求我們所有的供應(yīng)商遵守電子行業(yè)行為準(zhǔn)則。由于這些礦物的供應(yīng)鏈非常復(fù)雜,Raltron要求我們的錫和黃金供應(yīng)商追蹤這些金屬的來源,并在使用任何沖突礦山時采取糾正措施。Raltron及其供應(yīng)商不會故意使用從沖突礦山獲得的任何原始錫或黃金,并將定期詢問供應(yīng)商,以驗(yàn)證我們的要求是否得到滿足,從而幫助確保我們供應(yīng)鏈中所有工人的健康和安全.

As a supplier of frequency control products, RubyQuartz Technology, LLC uses certain minerals in the products we manufacturer. While Raltron requires all our suppliers to comply with the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct and to only source materials from environmentally and socially responsible suppliers, we recognize the complex supply chain involved with certain minerals and have taken steps to ensure that virgin metals we purchase do not originate in conflict mines. ‘Conflict Mining’ or ‘Conflict Metals’ or ‘Conflict Minerals’ refers to the illegal control of some mines in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo in Africa. The electronics industry uses certain types of metals, some of which are potentially refined from minerals obtained from these mines.

The primary minerals and metals that could potentially come from conflict mines are:

  • Cassiterite (tin)
  • Gold
  • Cobalt
  • Coltan (tantalum)
  • Wolframite (tungsten)
  • Pyrochlore (niobium)

The metals that RubyQuartz Technology, LLC uses are tin and gold. Tin is used in certain copper alloy terminals, some platings, and solder, while gold is used in platings of some terminals and gold electrodes. Tungsten is also used in the making of the ceramic packages used in SMD components.

RubyQuartz Technology, LLC does not directly purchase any of the other minerals and metals listed (cobalt, niobium, and tantalum), so we are focusing our efforts on tin and gold suppliers.

RubyQuartz Technology, LLC requires all our suppliers to conform to the Electronics Industry Code of Conduct because the supply chain for these minerals is complex, Raltron has requested that our tin and gold suppliers, trace these metals to their source, and to take corrective actions if any conflict mines are used. Raltron and its suppliers do not knowingly use any virgin tin or gold obtained from conflict mines and will regularly query suppliers to verify our requirements are being met to help ensure the health and safety of all workers in our supply chain.
Rubyquartz strives to maintain an environment that supports the health and well being of our employees, customers and our community. Our goal is to formalize our current compliance to recognized environmental standards, to actively conserve resources and prevent pollution. We will encourage our suppliers to maintain the same commitments. Our continued pursuit of excellence in environmental compliance will involve regular monitoring, updating and upgrading of our standards in partnership with our employees.
Rubyquartz is committed to delivering products competitively priced and on time that will meet or exceed our customer’s expectations and needs. We will achieve these goals by maintaining the high standards of quality in partnership with our customers, employees and suppliers. Our Quality Management System and Objectives will provide the framework to insure that all requirements are regularly evaluated for continual improvement and assurance of customer satisfaction.





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